Saturday, February 22, 2014

Date a book that reads

Photo by the author
It's been said that one ought to date a man or woman who reads (or even better, writes), but yes, date a book that reads. Books minister to us in a myriad of ways, and they "read" our deepest desires by providing us the fulfillment we look for (or disappointing us spectacularly) by the time we finish reading the last page.

This is the premise for the post-Valentine event sponsored by OMF Literature for all its branches last February 15, called Blind Date With a Book. The event gave participants the opportunity to "meet" a book that they think will help them fill their longings in one way or another.

Considering the wealth of titles that OMF Lit has to offer, choosing The One Book was, especially for book lovers, quite a challenge.

Meeting the "blind dates." Photo by author

Robert Magnuson's Run Kuting Run! is a treat for all ages. Photo by author

Mike Salazar of OMF Pergola explains the event to the participants. Photo by author

One of the participants renders a song for the "Bring Me" game. Photo by author

And yes, free chocolate! Photo by author

A participant receives a free book. Photo by author

Ma'am Malou meets her "blind date." Photo by author

A participant meets his "blind date," because Real Men are POGI. Photo by author

Meeting up and having fun with other book lovers at OMF Pergola. Photo by author

Some people may be put off by the idea of a blind date, but choosing a book is also about choosing the essentials which make us better individuals. We choose books that read our heart and soul, filling us up with wisdom and joy so we can relate better to the world around us.

Kind of like choosing a lifetime partner.

The awesome OMF Pergola team, from left: Andy, Mike, Kim. Photo by author

You can learn more about OMF Literature and their wealth of excellent titles by visiting their website or their Facebook page.

Photo by author