Saturday, March 2, 2013

Molten: On a football field

Ronaldo vs Messi. Photo courtesy of

you lay on the grass
A hush fills the stadium
Ninety-nine thousand, three hundred seventy
six eyes, all on you
your gentle rolling
as the foot of the world‟s best
player kicks you.
You glide away from him,
and he chases you,
The man they call Leo,
with stuttering steps.
With a flick of his foot—oh! oh!
he sends you flying—hey! hey!
catching you with a hug that is ne‟er a real embrace,
cradled close to his chest.

But a man in white
the one called Ronaldo
pokes with his foot, picks you from him
and runs for the finish
He is a gazelle,
movements all graceful
He stomps on you, spins round and sends
the girls in the stands swooning.
The grass is cold with dew
and the ground is rough
The crowd is screaming, loud
enough for a heart to flutter
Suddenly Leo appears—oh! oh!
Sliding on the grass—hey! hey!
to take you away.

Like a lover scorned, Ronaldo
chases Leo madly
who spins around the last defender,
catching everyone‟s breath away.
Leo kicks you hard, tracing an arc
across the night sky,
away from the clutches of the goalkeeper.
The net catches you.
The crowd goes wild.
Leo smiles.
You lay on the grass, again.

*as a tribute to tonight's El Clasico encounter between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid, i am posting this poem i wrote for creative writing class last semester. Bear with my feeble attempts at poetry.

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